
positive etiketine sahip yayınlar gösteriliyor

Hello Yellowstone Family

Before you leave Turkey, I need to make a statement about  your needs 1)Real Friendship 5)Do more than is expected from you (Visa process is really serious issue) 2)Focus more(tickets,places) 3)Keep going(opposite ideas) 4)Think beyond(gift)      I was really nervous about my trip. Before everything has happened, I had many nightmares about my visa period.     Unfortunately, terroists attacked to Paris, at the same time I applied for visa.     It is undeniable fact that  some of Europe Union countries have suspicion about turkish citizen: "they may have relationship terroist group."     It is very bad idea and it is offensive behavior.    They might fear our nation or any muslim countries, but they should fear “person” who is related Terroism because terroism do not have any nation.    In fact , I also fear for visiting World because Terrorism is everywhere that is why any religion should not be characterized with terrorism.  Fortun